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In practice, Elements has found it most effective if EF skills are infused into academic tutoring as a strategy to model the application of what these important skills look like in the real world and in 'real school'. This way, Student Engagement is dramatically increased, which triggers memory retention for longer periods, giving the habit time to form and grow. The following is a short list of the most common academic subjects we work on with students, with even more courses not listed that can be part of any executive functioning infused program.


The math foundation is arguably the most important of the subjects to correct early in development of a child's skills. Elements has worked countlessly with students in grade 12 and university programs where their marks are not a reflection of their ability, but of "simple mistakes" and of "not know what the question was asking". These two very common statements are symptoms of a much more important cause; The lack of mastery in early foundations of math. It's often not a grade 11-12 problem, it is more commonly a grade 5-9 limitation creating a grade 11-12 problem. Our coaches are well versed in every step of the math curriculum from grades 1-12 and beyond and focus on the essential foundational skills such as integers, fractions, algebra, and factoring that lead any student to a greater level of problem solving with higher level courses. Students often begin to work ahead of their classes, creating understand, which leads to confidence, which leads to them teaching their friends, which leads to mastery!

writing workshop

English 30-1 (in Alberta) is the keystone course for university enrolment and required for almost every program from Engineering to the Arts. Quite often, writing is a point of frustration (and procrastination) for many students. English teachers rarely teach the specific framework of the process for fear of creating "cookie cutter" CARTs and PRTs. This leaves many students extremely confused and disheartened, as they don't know HOW to improve their writing. Our writing program breaks down the process into categories and steps (using Executive Functioning) and helps our students first to build a baseline of "do's and don'ts" and create clear, solid writing. From there, students are shown strategies to improve their vocabulary and stretch the boundaries of the baseline to create mastery work.


As mentioned above English 30-1 (in Alberta) is the keystone course for university enrolment and required for almost every program in Universities across Canada. In addition to writing, many students struggle with the ability to master story analysis, poetry reflections, and deadliest of all, the reading comprehension multiple choice exam. Students are taught to develop investigative critical thinking skills and to develop their vocabulary recognition to better analyze text and narrow the choices for the "most correct answer".


Chemistry has always been a keystone of Science and pre medicine degrees in University but has recently become a required course for Engineering programs across the country. The biggest resistance points of Chemistry usually show themselves in science 10 and Chemistry 30, when the the difficulty of the content skyrockets. Building a solid foundation in Chemistry content is crucial as this subject more than most others requires a steady progression of understanding that requires mastery knowledge in previous levels is essential to be successful. Everything from Subatomic particles to Electrochemistry and Equilibrium, students at Elements Education will go beyond memorizing principles to visualize and picture the atomic world and understand the nuances that lie within.


A foundational and required science of any Math/Engineering program in University, Physics 20 is a massive step up for most students, even with historical success in other science/math courses. Working with advanced algebra and formula manipulation requires excellent executive functioning skills, otherwise "simple mistakes" start popping up on a regular basis in tests/quizzes and destroy grades. Creating a framework of understanding about Forces and Free body diagrams including being able to visual imagine the movement of objects and particles so students can understand how to apply principles and deduce the right answers to "curveball" questions they haven't seen.


An excellent complement for any University program that requires a science as a prerequisite, Biology is a popular choice for students. Often times, the difficulties in Biology stream from having SO MUCH to memorize and understand. Everything from body systems, cells, and genetics, the scientific terminology can be a mountain of work for which students need to devote hours and hours. Therefore, it is probably the most critical subject for highly developed Executive Functioning skills so that hours of studying can turn into highly efficient minutes and allow balance and consistency in grades for the already over-scheduled teenager.

social studies

This subject area more an any other is often based on "developing your own voice" and can be extremely frustrating for students, as abilities like research, political vocabulary, and world views are often expected by teachers as "common sense" in higher grade levels. This often leads students scrambling to improve without really knowing where to channel their time for the best results. Elements helps to develop frameworks with students and breakdown studying and writing in Social Studies for maximum efficiency. Writing mastery is also developed specifically targeted to Social Studies PRT/CART/essay/position paper writing, and how to analyze feedback from teachers to improve subjective writing techniques to achieve top marks.


Second languages are an excellent university strategy, as they are considered an academic course to use for university enrollment nationwide, and a dedicated student can often accomplish grades in the 90+ range, bumping up an academic average. However, the content itself can be a struggle when attempting to juggle it with other core subjects. Our Brain Engineers work to build the foundational skill set of the language so that grades are achieved but also so that students can continue to master the language, building resumes and providing career opportunities around the world.


Second languages are an excellent university strategy, as they are considered an academic course to use for university enrollment nationwide, and a dedicated student can often accomplish grades in the 90+ range, bumping up an academic average. However, the content itself can be a struggle when attempting to juggle it with other core subjects. Our Brain Engineers work to build the foundational skill set of the language so that grades are achieved but also so that students can continue to master the language, building resumes and providing career opportunities around the world.

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