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Meet the Team

Josh Barry

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After working for six years as a teacher at one of Calgary's foremost schools for children with learning disabilities, Josh Barry has a unique knowledge of individualized education and accommodating to every learning style. He also has the ability to intuitively peel back the barriers that most children build in front of themselves and get to the heart of the problem. He acquired a unique knowledge of math/science curriculums, teaching/tutoring every course from grades 5-12, and designed innovative methods to connect with each of his students, allowing them to achieve an extremely high level of success and the confidence that follows it. With a passion for athletics, he also coached young athletes to multiple City Championships and Provincial Championships in the sports of football and wrestling.


As the Founder and CEO of Elements Education, Josh has taken the academic coaching world further for over 700 one-on-one clients in the last 5+ years as an academic coach. He has a passion for brain research, and has dedicated many years to learning about the neuroplasticity and chemistry of the brain, attending research seminars and sharing those finding with colleagues through workshops of his own. More than anything else, Josh prides himself on being a “relationship guy” and understands the importance of a safe and caring bond, which leads to day-by-day improvement and progress of growing minds.


Stephanie Berry

Stephanie has been working for the past few years in the technology and marketing sectors at a few of Calgary's most recognizable companies. Through her experience as a Content Writer and Team Leader, she has developed sophisticated communication and leadership skills. This combined skill set gave her the tools needed for Academic Coaching. Over the past two years, Stephanie has received continual training and mentorship from Element’s CEO: Josh Barry.


Stephanie holds a strong passion for writing, reading, and teaching alike. Stephanie is a positive student mentor and coach at Elements Education. She is considered as an extraordinary teacher/tutor to students at any grade, for subjects such as: English language arts, social studies, French, Spanish, and citation guidance.  Stephanie is able to explain and teach students in innovative and constructive ways, making all subject material covered enjoyable and comprehensible for her students. She strives to inspire, motivate, and propel students into being the best learners they can possibly be.


Photo to come

Gillian Barker

Gillian is the office manager and account coordinator for Elements. She has years of extensive bookkeeping training and to say she is "detail oriented" would be the most massive understatement anyone has ever put into writing.

Although not a Brain Engineer, you will interact with her through invoices and general housekeeping throughout the year. We are ecstatic to have her talented brain join our team!

Elements Education

Suite 217 Casel Building

2505 17th Ave SW

Calgary, Alberta

Elements Ed logo Fall 2020
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